The following links are provided by users who have developed software using FEBio.


GIBBOn is an open-source MATLAB toolbox by Kevin M. Moerman and includes an array of image and geometry visualization and processing tools and is interfaced with free open source software such as TetGen, for robust tetrahedral meshing, and FEBio for finite element analysis. The combination provides a highly flexible image-based modelling environment and enables advanced inverse finite element analysis.

Open Knee(s)

Open Knee(s) is aimed to provide free access to three-dimensional finite element representations of the knee joint. The development platform is open to enable any interested party to use, test, and edit the model; in a nut shell get involved with the project at its early stages.

Surrogate Contact Modeling Toolbox
This opensource toolbox provides researchers with the capabilities to construct and use surrogate contact models.
Some features are:

  • Multiple domains for sampling including out-of-contact configurations
  • A multi-threaded sampler that makes use of FEBio’s contact modeling capabilities
  • Flexible specification of surrogate model inputs and outputs, and architecture
  • Parallelized training
  • Testing module
  • Surrogate models portable as DLLs


  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows.
  • Model fitting requires: Matlab’s Neural Network Toolbox, and Matlab coder.
  • Sampling requires: FEBio