Biphasic Materials – Part 2: fibrous materials and biphasic contact

Biphasic Materials – Part 2: fibrous materials and biphasic contact

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This webinar was held on Wednesday February 23, 2022.

This second webinar on biphasic theory presents methods to model a fiber-reinforced solid matrix, as well as sliding contact in biphasic materials, for modeling biological tissues using porous media mechanics in FEBio. It describes the influence of fiber-reinforcement on interstitial fluid pressurization (IFP), and the role of IFP on the frictional response during sliding contact of biphasic materials. Representative responses of fiber-reinforced biphasic materials to loading are presented, using discrete and continuous fiber distributions. Frictionless and frictional biphasic contact problems are also illustrated and compared to some experimental responses. This webinar also teaches how to avoid typical pitfalls in the calculation of IFP at a biphasic contact interface, especially when modeling the solid matrix using a continuous fiber distribution. This webinar builds on several previous webinars. If you missed them, you can view them on our YouTube channel FEBioVideos. The following webinars in particular might be helpful as background material:

Click here to access the files used in this webinar.

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