
Welcome to the Knowledgebase!

Here you will find tutorials, articles, webinars, and links to the FEBio and FEBio Studio software manuals. Browse through the available articles using the links to the side.

- Getting Started will help you sign up for an account, download the software, and install it.

- The Tutorials section offers many tutorials on how to use FEBio Studio for setting up, running, and analyzing FEBio models. If you are new to the software, this is great place to get started.

- The Manuals section contains links to our software manuals.

- The Workshops section contains presentations, videos, and other resources that were part of FEBio workshops that were given at various conferences.

- The Case Studies section contains in-depth looks at analyses of specific biomedical applications.

- The Webinars section offers links to several webinars that we have held over the years. For those who prefer in-depth video tutorials on using FEBio Studio, the webinars might be of great interest.

- The Model Repository is an online collection of FEBio and FEBio Studio models. The model repository can also be accessed directly from FEBio Studio.

Not finding what you are looking for? Feel free to send us any questions, comments, or suggestions for future topics for tutorials or webinars to We always love to hear from our users!
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